Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples & Relationship Healing

Emotions give important clues about the desires, needs, and struggles we experience. They are the driving forces for our behaviours. Basic emotions that we all feel include fear, anger, sadness, joy, and surprise. Different emotions elicit different behaviours in us, for example the tendency to attack or defend when we feel anger, or flee when we feel fear.

Emotions, and how we process and express them, can greatly affect the quality of our closest relationships, and by extension, the quality of our life in general.

Emotions are critically important in couple and family relationships, especially when we fail in expressing our emotions in a healthy way. We have two main factors here that affect our relationships: First, being unable to understand the significant other’s emotions, and using unhelpful communication patterns to express our emotions or thoughts. With Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), we learn how to pay attention to the emotions of our loved ones, and how to use effective communication patterns to better understand them.

My role as a psychotherapist is to help clients regulate their emotions by engaging with them, identifying them, and exploring the background of the emotions in a way that expands self-awareness and understanding.


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Integrating Spirituality into Psychology